The core of Inked for Peace's offerings are FREE peace-inspiring tattoos, both permanent and temporary. The goal behind each tattoo option we offer is to bring peace to an issue plaguing our societies by serving as a constant reminder that conflict/violence is a choice and peace/nonviolence the preferable option. Further, we at Inked for Peace believe peace surrounds us far more than conflict/violence, but our cultures have us convinced otherwise. By getting "inked for peace," you will be part of a true counterculture in the tattoo industry and beyond by declaring, "World peace is not only possible, but inevitable!" Request to get "inked for peace" here.
In time, so that we're countering conflict/violence from two sides, Inked for Peace will also offer FREE tattoo removal for those who have tattoos promoting extreme hate or violence. Reformed Nazi skinhead, Bryon Widner, is a perfect example of one such individual to whom we would have been honored to provide this service. You can read his story here. As with getting inked, we won't perform the removal process ourselves, but will coordinate with offices near you who offer the service, such as Dublin Ink (who just so happened to provide the progression pic shown), if you happen to be located in Ireland. Request to have a tat removed here.
If you want a more personal peace-inspiring tattoo design, you will be able to crowdsource. Simply tell your story and allow our cadre of talented tattoo artists to try to capture its essence. It remains to be seen whether we will have to charge for this service in order to ensure you get plenty of options. The more we partner with tattoo supply companies, which will require significant demand from you to get "inked for peace," the less likely it will be that we have to charge a fee. Instead, we'd make it a requirement that artists participate in at least one request over a specified amount of time. Please be patient with us as the details of our model are being fine-tuned.
Inked for Peace will tell the peace-inspiring story behind every tattooing or removal for which the organization is responsible. The primary location will be on our website under the "Stories" tab, but with every 100 stories we will publish a book, which we will give-away to those individuals in it, and which we will sell to everyone else. We are currently focusing on getting our "First 100 peace-inspiring tattoo stories" written, as in, getting our first 100 requesters "inked for peace" and their stories captured in a compelling manner. But, of course, we also encourage people with existing stories to share them through our social media outlets. Through sharing, we're building community.
The culmination of all our efforts to foster a community will be evident at our "Inked for Peace" festivals, which we intend to hold at least annually in various cities around the U.S. There will be music, food, rides for the kiddies, games, and, of course, "inking for peace." Booths will be available for both peace organizations and tattoo related vendors. There will be design and inking awards, ambassador prizes, and swag for all. You, as a vibrant and diverse community of tattoo AND peace enthusiasts will make the festivals amazing! We've already gotten partnership requests in this vein, so we know the appeal is there and it will only grow. Stay tuned!
We will eventually have an online store full of the typical company swag - Inked for Peace branded t-shirts, hats, and seasonal items. This is also where we'll sell temporary tattoos in bulk for your special events. For the tattoo artists out there, this is also where they would buy their tattooing supplies at a hefty discount, which is just one of the ways of thanking them for their work. Of course, all of our peace-inspiring tattoo story books will be available as well as other peace related books by various authors, so long as they are written from an agnostic humanist perspective. And eventually, we'll sell tickets to Inked for Peace festivals from here.
We at Inked for Peace look forward to the day when we can say we are certain we are meeting our market's desires to the utmost and are poised for expansion. We have some exciting initiatives planned, all aimed at bringing even more products and services to you and growing our reach. We are already an international nonprofit, with fans throughout the English speaking world, but we wish to accomodate people of all languages and will be setting roots throughout the globe. Everywhere we go we will roll out country specific programs designed to unify people of vastly different cultures and creeds under one worthy cause - peace.
The last thing we'll show you, just in case we have some potential angel investors out there, is an infographic which depicts the expansion potential of Inked for Peace in the U.S. alone. We made this simple infographic for three reasons: 1) to give investors an idea of the market potential of Inked for Peace, 2) to give everyone an idea of how much of an impact we intend to have, and 3) to make a statement about the inevitability of violence. Not even that tiny percentage is guaranteed to commit acts of violence. Conflict is always a choice and we're here to help people declare clearly and loudly, "I choose the path to peace!"
(0 competitions in progress; many more planned)
(5 on-going negotiations w/ other peace-promoting nonprofits)
(Looking for 88 more people who are ready to get "inked for peace" and be featured in the book, "The First 100")
(Did we mention it's FREE!)
(If you're interested, you need to contact us)
(We can't accept everyone, otherwise participation wouldn't come with as much prestige.)
(This is the most important number in the bunch because it proves we can work together to bring about world peace.)